Friday, March 2, 2012

A Living Nightmare

Have you ever had a dream and your teeth fall out? It is a common anxiety dream for people to have. It symbolizes a loss of control. I have had this nightmare, it is an old standby. Well, this week the nightmares came true. I had felt pressure on a tooth that has a partial crown in it all week. I felt like I had a popcorn kernel stuck in between my teeth or something. Being the wise person that I am, I flossed to get that kernel out. The pressure was relieved, but I noticed that what came out was not a kernel. Yep. It was a part of my  tooth. Terrible and horrifying. 

Now I have a hole in my tooth and I have to visit the dentist soon. That is already a whole other adventure. Japanese dentistry is going to be the first great challenge of 2012 for me. I am keeping it together though, no freakouts and no more lost teeth. I guess that is what I get for flossing. 

To treat myself for...whatever, I made Muddy Buddies tonight. The Chex cereal came all the way from America (courtesy of the McNaughtans). I have been saving it. I used Ghirardelli chocolate chips from Costco, peanut butter and powdered sugar.
Looks pretty good right? It is, but it pales in comparison to the stuff the McNaughtan house makes. To be fair, they practice...a lot. I think I got my peanut butter ratio wrong or something. I live to try again! Now I am watching The Emperor's New Groove (which you should watch again because it is awesome).


Liz said...

Yay! Everyone deserves Muddy Buddies. Good thing you didn't eat them before your tooth fell out, or I would have been sure they were the cause. Jon makes the best muddy buddies. I haven't made them ever since we got married cause his are the best. He knows how to make 'em all clumpy. MMMM....muddy buddies.

janemkinsel said...

I have never made or tasted muddy buddies with peanut butter! I have been missing something special, huh?