Friday, February 10, 2012

Video Killed the Radio Star

I am posting some videos so that you can see what my classes have been up to. Unfortunately for me, this took about 45 minutes to upload the videos so I didn't get to them yesterday. The topic of the day was creating an original story about a big turnip (don't ask). The kids made up their own characters to pull at the turnip. I saw a monkey, spider, godzilla, Colonel Sanders and others. Enjoy the finest English the 6th grade has to offer!

I also started teaching the 3rd graders about the weather. Here we are playing Hot and Cold. They aren't very good at it, and at some point I get distracted trying to help them figure it out. 

Finally, I want to tell you about pencil cases. I will discuss this more, but they are a big deal here in Japan. Big deal. You put stickers on them and they say something about who you are. One of my favorites is a pencil case that looks like a carton of milk. It is pink and pretty with a zipper near the top. It says Au Lait on it. Which I believe is French for 'The Milk' or something. Right under that it has a nice line that captures Japan really well. 'Strawberry Milk - Sweet and Sour.' Yum.


Liz said...

Are you going to become an elementary teacher when you come home? You'd be surrounded by weird kids and pencil cases all day. It just seems right up your alley.

JM said...

So cute and lively! I'll bet you are a great asset to the classrooms. So much more fun than stuffy, stressed out high schoolers!

Anonymous said...

Loved it. I sort of expected a stereotypical picture of prim and proper Japanese classroom that only pushes academics in a prim and proper way. Yeh, Junior high.