Saturday, September 17, 2011

Unbearable Cuteness

I know you are expecting more pictures of children because let's face it, that is why you are here...So, the elementary students are practicing for their sports day, and they are at least 5.5 times cuter than the junior high kids when they practice...just a fact of life. So I snapped some pictures for you to enjoy.
 The kids made a band that marches around...furthermore, they were good!
 Check that out...not bad right? For kids age 6 to 12...
 I don't remember having these fancy piano thingy's in any marching band I ever saw.
 They are having a cheer off/sing off.
 You can see the colorful hats that denote teams.
It's more about loudness instead of quality.
 The yellow team's flag has Chip 'N Dale on it!
 Green had Mike Wizowski
...and red has Mickey. 
 An overhead view of them practicing some of their relay games. 


Liz said...

So funny! It reminds me of EFY all over again with those flags. Also, like your shadow in the instruments pic

janemkinsel said...

Ahh, do you have any favorites among the "littles" yet? Awesome band. Does everyone take band or is it an "elective?" I think I would have enjoyed the day.