Sunday, September 18, 2011

Yippee Ki-Enkai-yay

On Friday, I had my first Japanese enkai. An enkai is a party that Japanese workplaces have. Essentially everyone gets together after work and drinks and has a good time. As I understand from a few books I read about Japanese schools and work culture, the enkai serves as the other side of the Japanese work system. In the  Japanese workplace (as far as I have seen), people are very gracious and efficient at what they do. A high level of rigidity exists in the day to day. The enkai serves as the cut loose time. 

We had our enkai at a traditional restaurant where we sat on the floor. We all know how much I hate sitting on the floor...the party was actually a lot of fun. In Japan parties are 2 hours long without fail. We had what basically amounted to a 10 course meal. They just kept bringing out dishes of stuff. I am pretty sure (though not entirely sure) that I had crab, tuna and red snapper sushi, tempura sweet potato something or others, and some eel. I have never known myself to be a fan of eel, but I decided to be a good little participant and try some. They brought us an eel that was split down the middle and covered in some kind of BBQ sauce. I took a bite to try and it turns out that it is AMAZING! I actually ate the whole thing. It was like chicken, but a little squishier. 

All in all, it was a good party. The really good party came afterward though. It is called the nijikai. It literally means "second party." We went to another restaurant and all hung out singing karaoke. Most of the coworkers were pretty loosened up by this point. A few of the coworkers had mentioned that they knew some English songs. I had a standing duet with a science teacher to sing Bohemian Rhapsody. The principal also showed that he has some wicked skills with Simon and Garfunkel. The principal sang Scarborough Fair and Bridge Over Troubled Water. 

After a few songs, my karaoke skills became apparent. People started making requests. All in all, I sang Bohemian Rhapsody, Hotel California (with accompaniment from all the teachers on the chorus), Beat It, Piano Man, Poker Face (by Lady Gaga, which despite being a famous song in Japan, no one sang along), and I Can Show You The World from Aladdin. The last song was interesting. I was mid-song when a teacher came up to me and said that I was singing the next song. She said, "You Alladin" and that was it. I thought I was just going to sing the boy part. Once it came to the girl part, no one stepped up to the plate. I ended up singing the whole song in two different voices for both parts...they thought it was hilarious. 

I did manage to capture some pictures from the adventure for your enjoyment. Also, a video. Booyah!

 You can see half of my principal on the right.
The guy looking regal with his hand on his chin sang Bohemian Rhapsody with me.
The super fun song by a group called AKB48...don't ask. 


Liz said...

I was wondering when you were going to become a singing star over there. I always secretly knew this would happen.

Anonymous said...

What Liz said... ;-)


janemkinsel said...

Because of the star quality Karaoke, they may have another "party" very soon. Next time have someone video you!

Jen said...

Yes! Let us get a glimpse of these karaoke skills that are mesmirizing everyone!

Do I see edamame on the table in the first pix? Yummmmm.